Should I Call Again if a Contact Didnt Pick Up

Ok so, I just missed a call from an unknown number on my phone, and I never ever get unknown callers, but the thing is I recently applied for a job and am worried that it was them trying to contact me and I didn't pick up.

Would that mean they'd just choose the next person and not bother with me again?
It's probably a silly question, but i've never had a job.. I don't know how it works lol.

Depends on the job. What was it?

Chances are it was some annoying ******* like me phoning you to do a survey or something, we block our number.

Disclaimer: Phone surveys are awesome. You should always do them when offered. Always. Or else.

If they were calling to offer a job, they would have left a message - I think every job offer I've ever received, I've never answered the phone for one reason or another, I've always received a voicemail and just called back

If it was them, and they want you, and for some reason they didn't leave a message, they will call back!

Hi popp,

Usually if a company is looking to hire you or get you in for an interview, they will try and give you a call back later. They are used to candidates no always being able to answer their phones, however, many usually do leave a voicemail.

I would suggest to return the call, and just explain who you are. Then you will easily figure out if it was one of the jobs you have applied for.

Good luck!

hi, i have just recently missed a call from a potential employer they did however leave a voice mail and said they could call me back in an hour but they have not yet called, worried they will not call has this ever happened to someone before

(Original post by Milkround)
Hi popp,

Usually if a company is looking to hire you or get you in for an interview, they will try and give you a call back later. They are used to candidates no always being able to answer their phones, however, many usually do leave a voicemail.

I would suggest to return the call, and just explain who you are. Then you will easily figure out if it was one of the jobs you have applied for.

Good luck!

Remember she said it was an unknown number.

They would call back. When I applied for my last job I kept missing the calls. They didn't leave a message then weeks later they got hold of me, during that time they had actually given the job to someone else And she didn't take it, I was so lucky! Other times they've just left messages and sent follow up emails.

Sorry for bumping, but I have a similar question. KFC rung me and told me to come to an induction session, but I can't make it. The guy said he'd phone me back when he spoke to his manager but this was hours ago. Did I miss my chance at the job?

(Original post by kmcg97)
Sorry for bumping, but I have a similar question. KFC rung me and told me to come to an induction session, but I can't make it. The guy said he'd phone me back when he spoke to his manager but this was hours ago. Did I miss my chance at the job?

Not necessarily, an induction session is when you've actually got the job, so it's sort of like a training day, right? So I assume you past the other parts of the process, therefore it's very likely that they're still interested in you working for them, they wouldn't take through the whole process/cross off other possible candidates and then right at end not give you the job because you couldn't make the induction session. Give them a ring back.

You best of had a pretty good reason for not being able to attend the induction session, most employers would began to speculate on what your commitment would be like if you did get the job, not being able to turn up for an induction session is a bad indicator.
Totally understandable though, I applied for some jobs way before my exams, but they responded when my exams started, so I missed out on 3 potential jobs , then after my exams it was near impossible to find a job.

(Original post by Nerd2)
Not necessarily, an induction session is when you've actually got the job, so it's sort of like a training day, right? So I assume you past the other parts of the process, therefore it's very likely that they're still interested in you working for them, they wouldn't take through the whole process/cross off other possible candidates and then right at end not give you the job because you couldn't make the induction session. Give them a ring back.

You best of had a pretty good reason for not being able to attend the induction session, most employers would began to speculate on what your commitment would be like if you did get the job, not being able to turn up for an induction session is a bad indicator.
Totally understandable though, I applied for some jobs way before my exams, but they responded when my exams started, so I missed out on 3 potential jobs , then after my exams it was near impossible to find a job.

It's because i'm going away on holiday (only to Scotland) for a week tomorrow and the induction was supposed to be friday.

I was told categorically I had the job (twice) so can they go back on this since I can't make the induction?

Sucks you didn't get those jobs, what unlucky timing!!

(Original post by popp)
Ok so, I just missed a call from an unknown number on my phone, and I never ever get unknown callers, but the thing is I recently applied for a job and am worried that it was them trying to contact me and I didn't pick up.

Would that mean they'd just choose the next person and not bother with me again?
It's probably a silly question, but i've never had a job.. I don't know how it works lol.

If it was a potential employer wanting to get in touch for an interview or something (or other unknown number needing something important for that matter) then they would normally get back to you.

(Original post by crazybored)
If they were calling to offer a job, they would have left a message - I think every job offer I've ever received, I've never answered the phone for one reason or another, I've always received a voicemail and just called back

If it was them, and they want you, and for some reason they didn't leave a message, they will call back!

They dont always leave a message.
They occasionally do yes, but they usually phone back, especially if you havent got voicemail or whatever and sometimes they prefer to speak to you in person anyway,

(Original post by Emma:-))
They dont always leave a message.
They occasionally do yes, but they usually phone back, especially if you havent got voicemail or whatever and sometimes they prefer to speak to you in person anyway,

Thanks for quoting a post from two years ago, and making the same point I did in the last sentence anyway... :rolleyes:

You will be brought back at the end of the queue if you miss their call. Meaning they will finish calling everyone following you on the list first before calling you again.

I have a similar situation where they called but I didn't know it was them till now and it has been a couple weeks since they called and I don't know what I should do? Any suggestions?

(Original post by popp)
Ok so, I just missed a call from an unknown number on my phone, and I never ever get unknown callers, but the thing is I recently applied for a job and am worried that it was them trying to contact me and I didn't pick up.

Would that mean they'd just choose the next person and not bother with me again?
It's probably a silly question, but i've never had a job.. I don't know how it works lol.

Hey! Its great to heaar you are applying for jobs and thinking about the future! I used to work in recruitment and from my experince no this shouldnt happen. If they are calling you then its because they are interested. They should leave a message if they do call or they will give you a call baack so dont worry! I hope this helps

Ancient thread - now closed.

Hey so I've got a question, which I hope you don't mind me asking because of your past experience in recruitment.

I applied for a job through company website and I received a job interview voicemail (3 weeks ago) that I didn't see until 2 weeks later. I just accepted that I lost a job opportunity, however I saw that this week they posted the same job on their Linkdln page. (same position and location). I don't know if I should just call the number back (since its been so long) or to reach out using Linkdln explaining the phone call. Any advice would be appreciated if you have time. Thanks.


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