Funny Gift to Break the Ice After a Fight

After some thinking, you've decided you want to make amends. What can you do to reopen the lines of communication with your partner after a heated argument?

It's not uncommon for spouses to fight, but the additional stress of dealing with a global pandemic has undoubtedly caused tempers to flare up more than usual. Since we'll likely be affected by the aftermath of COVID-19 for some time, married couples need to work together to prevent disagreements from turning into deep-seated resentments.

According to this article, it's not enough to make up and move on. You need to resolve the problem that caused conflict in the first place. To get the ball rolling, you'll want to start with a genuine apology. You might consider prefacing this apology with a thoughtful gesture to demonstrate that you're serious about wanting to heal the relationship.

Your reconciliation gesture could be a sweet gift, a heartfelt note, or a simple act of kindness. In this article, we're going to get you started with a few sincere ideas to help you break the ice after a big fight. If you didn't have the chance to read our last blog post, go check it out here. Come right back, though, because you won't want to miss these thoughtful ways to make up with your spouse after a heated argument.

Create a Personalized Photo Crystal

3D Crystal Heart from ArtPix 3D

Some arguments can open a Pandora's box of negative memories. When this happens, one of the best things you can do is focus on the good times you've had as a couple. Let ArtPix 3D engrave a treasured photo of you and your spouse into a gorgeous, heart-shaped crystal to display in your home. This long-lasting keepsake makes a lovely apology gift and serves as a constant reminder of the happiest moments of your married life.

Cook an Apology Meal

Priscilla Lim

One of the best ways to show your partner that you're ready to make amends is to prepare a delicious meal to share. First, it demonstrates that you're willing to put in some effort to make things right. Second, it creates a friendly environment for talking things over. Take a look at these comfort food recipes that can take the tension out of tough conversations.

Write an Apology Letter

Kelly Sikkema

Navigating the conversation after a huge argument can be tricky. An apology letter is an excellent way to get started. It allows you to think carefully about what you want to say to your spouse, and lets you state your feelings clearly without room for misinterpretation. For tips on writing a sincere apology, take a look at this article.

Make Time for Regular Discussions

Toa Heftiba

If you want to show your spouse that you're serious about healing your relationship, you need to do more than apologize. You also need to make a plan to prevent future arguments from turning into big fights. This marriage blogger suggests scheduling routine discussions as a couple. That way, you can both talk about any issues before they cause friction.

Offer to Sign Up for Online Marriage Counseling

Nathan Dumlao

Many couples only consider marriage counseling as a last resort, but this article tells us that seeking help can actually be a sign of genuine love and commitment in a relationship. It also recommends several online resources that are more convenient than in-person therapy.

Recreate a Meaningful Date

Alejandra Ponce

What's the best date you ever went on with your spouse? Recreating a romantic moment is a powerful way to remind your partner of the amazing times you've had together. While it may not be feasible to revisit a significant location, you can replicate the experience by ordering the same food, wearing the same clothes, and listening to the same music.

Remove a Stressor

Estée Janssens

It's usually the little things that make us snap. There might be underlying issues causing tension in your home, but it's not until you run out of paper towels or trip on a stray toy that you lose your temper. A sweet apology gift to your spouse would be to eliminate a stressor that usually leads to altercations. Get that leaky faucet fixed, have the check engine light looked at, and make sure the floor is clean!

Make Specific Promises

Ryan Franco

It's easy to use phrases like, "I'll try to be better," to smooth things over after a fight. Usually, these statements are too vague to result in positive change. If you want to show your spouse you're serious about making amends, be specific. Here is an excellent example of someone who promises to decompress after work so they won't be grumpy while spending time with their partner.

Write a List of Reasons You Love Them

Kelly Sikkema

In the middle of an argument, we may say things to our partner that we later wish we hadn't. You may not be able to take back what you said, but you can counter it with positive affirmations, as this article suggests. Consider writing a list of all the wonderful traits you love about your spouse.

Invite Them to Participate in a Fun Stress Relief Activity

Amy Humphries

Even after making up, you and your partner may still be a little shaken from your fight. Whenever it seems appropriate, consider inviting them to join you for a fun, low-key activity that might help restore your positive feelings for each other.

We hope this article gave you some thoughtful ways to make up with your spouse after a heated argument. For more relationship tips and creative gift ideas, you can check out our blog here. You can also browse our shop for charming personalized keepsakes your partner is sure to love!


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